Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kentucky Health Insurance Will A Class D Felony Conviction Keep Me From Getting A Kentucky State Health Insurance License?

Will a Class D felony conviction keep me from getting a Kentucky State Health Insurance License? - kentucky health insurance

The possession of a controlled substance


mbrcatz said...


mbrcatz said...


DFK said...

Not necessarily.

If the offense is not insurance-linked (which is not) and receives letters of recommendation from friends and local business people who have it for your insurance license Commission sent you a good chance. Be honest and not hiding anything about the application. If they find they say nothing, if they refuse the license.

You must also write a letter to convince the Licensing Division, have been treated and fully recovered.

I had a friend with the Class D offense, who did it ... lost his license and insurance after 3 years on probation, he was given the opportunity to regain his license.

I must say that my condition. Each State may not "laws so lenient."

Good luck and stay clean!

bharani s said...

Hello Check this link its good


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