Friday, January 29, 2010

Visian Icl Toronto What Are The Cons Of The Refractive Eye Visian ICL Procedure?

What are the cons of the refractive eye Visian ICL procedure? - visian icl toronto

The main disadvantages of this method are the cost and invasiveness of the surgery. In general, about 1.5 times the cost of the Lasik / PRK, which can be prohibitive for individuals. In addition, Lasik / PRK works only on the front of the eye, without being inside the eye. Ciet are on the other side within the eye by a procedure similar to cataract surgery where an incision in the cornea and lens implant placed in front of the lens of the eye is provided. Each time you open the world, the risk of complications increases () in particular infections.

There are many advantages, but more importantly, this procedure is completely reversible. If you later decide that you are not satisfied, they can be removed (surgery) and everything is back to normal.

However, if you get not just a candidate for LASIK / PRK surgery is the quality and if it can be performed by an experienced surgeon very successful results.

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